Contact Us/Auto Renew

We welcome all questions and comments. Problem with your membership? We are here to help. Just fill out the form below, and we will reply to you via email.

Please make sure your Caller ID is turned on.
The most common problem is that members have turned off Caller ID. If caller ID is turned off, you will be blocked from calling the system.

If you are a woman and you have questions about your free minutes, you must call 401-862-0107 Once your phone number has been assigned free minutes you must call 605-615-5650 to talk to other members.

Want to cancel auto renew? Just fill out the form below and we will send you a confirmation email, within 24-hours, confirming your cancellation.

For all emails please include:

Your full name.
Your 10-digit phone number including area code, (Send the phone number you signed up with if you are a member)
Your email address.
Your zip code

In the message section, please explain the problem you are having.

If you have problems with auto renew please also give us the last 4-digits of your credit card number. JUST the last 4-digits. Do not send the entire credit card number. If you can remember, provide us with the date of the last charge to your credit card.


Bob/Customer Service